Under Attack

This is a continuation of the post from on 10/20/2020 Neither Hot nor Cold

A column of black smoke billowed up into the blue sky.

“What is that?” Sid paused in the road puzzling over the distant smoke cloud.

“I don’t know,” Emily stood at her friend’s side watching the unusual sight. 

“It doesn’t look good,” He tried to remain calm, but deep down Sid was worried.

The two friends were on their way to the nearby town of Tallin, an hour’s walk from their village. They had planned to spend the day with their old friend Jada.

“I hope Jada and her family are okay,” said Emily.

“Let’s keep going. It’s not much farther,” Sid led the way down the road toward Tallin.

Another half hour of walking brough Sid and Emily to the top of a ridge. Below was a sight they would never forget.

Emily gasped, “Oh my goodness.”

“It’s a Laxon raiding party,” Sid recognized the red and blue uniforms.

The town below was in chaos. Soldiers, some on foot and others on horseback, swarmed the helpless Tallin residents. Soldiers carrying torches ran from house to house starting fires. Others looted while the town’s people pleaded with them to stop. 

“Come on! We have to get help!” Sid shook Emily from a daze and pulled her by the arm, away from the horrible scene.

Together Sid and Emily raced back up the road where they had come from. They covered a good distance before slowing down. When the shock began to wear off Sid found himself more and more winded.

“Hold on.  I have to rest a minute,” said Sid as he gasped for air.

He knew Emily to be a strong runner. She seemed anxious to keep going, so Sid forced himself to keep moving. When the road took an uphill turn, Sid’s tired legs burned as if they were on fire. 

When a band of men donning red and blue uniforms appear at the top of the hill, Sid forgot about the pain in his legs. The soldiers marched straight toward him and Emily.

“This way!” Emily darted to the right, off the road, and into the forest.

Without thinking, Sid followed.
“After them,” the commander ordered his men.

Emily weaved her way through the thick woods like a nimble cat. Sid stayed on her tail, taking an occasional slap to the face as a tree branch whipped back into place. Behind him the soldiers thrashed their way through the thick undergrowth, stalking their prey.

The children had an advantage over the men with their heavy uniforms and weapons. Eventually Emily and Sid came to a stop. Sid collapsed on the forest floor and listened for the enemy soldiers, but only heard the distant chirping of songbirds.

“I think we lost them,” he whispered.

“Yes, but now what do we do?”

“We can’t give up. We need to keep moving.” Sid studied the position of the sun, then then pointed to the north. “That way.”

The pair worked their way through the forest in the direction they thought would lead them home. When the ground took a sharp turn downward, they had no choice except to continue forward.

“What is that sound?” Sid asked.

“It sounds like water. There must be a stream at the bottom.”

Emily was right. At the bottom of the valley, a rushing stream cut through the forest. Luck was on their side. The trunk of a fallen tree formed a bridge across the chilly water. With her arms stretched out for balance, Emily scampered over the log. Sid started over the log. His swung his arms wildly to keep his balance, and he too reached the other side without getting wet.

The journey up the far side of the valley was steep and difficult. Emily was the first to reach level ground.  There the forest opened to a vast grassy meadow. Sid scoured the clearing for Laxon soldiers but found nothing but wildflowers swaying in the breeze.

“I think it’s safe to cross.” Without waiting, he marched forward.

Emily’s eyes continue to scan the meadow as she followed his friend. Far from the safety of the wood, the children’s luck ran out. In the distance, to their left, a row of red and blue uniforms appeared.

Sid knew they were in trouble. His heart sank at the sound of rumbling horse hooves. These were not foot soldiers. Emily took off at full speed. Sid too ran for his life.

In no time the heavy horses were on their tail and would soon overtake them. Sid couldn’t believe his eyes when Emily stopped dead in her tracks. “What is she doing?”, he asked himself.

A second later he got his answer, and he too ground to a stop.

“What do we do now?” Emily cried.

They had reached the edge of a steep cliff. In a near panic Sid looked for a way down. He could find none. “We’re trapped.”

He and Emily turned around as twelve riders closed in. Some of the horses snorted as they came to a halt.

“I know what you two are up too,” One of the horsemen growled. “You are on your way to warn your countrymen. Well now you’re coming with us.”

“No they’re not!”, A booming voice called from beyond the cliff.

Both Sid and Emily whipped around to find Hugo the Giant. Standing at the base of the cliff, he was just tall enough that his head was level with the top. Hugo held up his massive hand.

“Jump into my hand,” The giant instructed his young friends.

Without hesitating both Sid and Emily raced to the edge of the precipice and leaped into Hugo’s waiting hand. As they did, two of the Laxon riders charged the giant with their lances. Even though Hugo was ready for the attack, the razor-sharp lances nearly struck his face. He took one step backward and then swatted the nearest rider from his horse. As the enemy soldier tumbled over the edge of the cliff, the others turned and dashed away.

“They won’t get far,” said Hugo. “The king knows that his land has been invaded. His army is already on the march.”

“How did you find us?” Sid asked.

The giant grinned. “I have my ways. Now let’s get you home.”

Sid enjoyed the ride home. The view of the countryside from high above was breathtaking. He no longer worried about encountering enemy soldiers. No one could snatch Emily or him out of Hugo’s hand.

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Read John 10:27 – 30

In the story Sid and Emily were literally in Hugo’s giant hand. What does it mean to be in Jesus’ or the Father’s hand?

In what way or ways is it better to be “in His hand?”