Into the Abyss

What I thought was solid snow under my boot dropped away, and I found myself in a free fall. Deeper and deeper down into the crevasse I plunged.  Then, a violent, painful jerk brought my body to a sudden stop. I was left hanging in midair by my harness, attached to a single rope. All was silent.  At first, I could not believe that I had fallen. A few seconds ago I was hiking up the mountain glacier, and now I was in a life or death situation. Taking stock of my situation, I found that I was shaken, but unhurt.

A long, narrow strip of cloudy sky shown high above me, but I shuttered when I turned my gaze downward.  Nothing but empty blackness lay below. It was frightening to think that, were it not for the rope, I would be lying at the bottom, hundreds of feet down, never to be seen again.  Even now, the crevasse seemed to be pulling me in, swallow me up, like the mouth of a hungry beast.

“Help! I’m down here!” I called.  My voice echoing through the icy abyss.  I listened for a response, but heard nothing.  Again I cried out, but still no answer.

“I should have listened to my guide,” I thought to myself.

His instructions were clear. “Follow me,” he said.

The trail to the summit of the towering mountain began at the base of the glacier. There, my guide and I started the long climb upward.  At first, I was careful to only step were my guide stepped. As we climbed higher, and the air grew thinner, I became careless, ignoring the dangers that lurked beneath my feet. It was only a matter of time before trouble found me.

Now, time seemed to creep by as I dangled helplessly, waiting for someone to rescue me.  Then, I heard a faint call from above. “Hold tight. I will get you out.”

The rope loosened for a brief second, and I slipped several feet deeper into the icy pit. I cried out, and gripped the rope, even though it would not stop my decent.  I came to rest again, but only for a moment.  Next, I felt a powerful tug, and I began to inch upward. It was the most joyful feeling.  The rope strained as my guide pulled with all his strength.  The work was slow, but I eventually I ascended to the mouth of the crevasse.  A hand took hold of my arm, and pulled me out of the pit.  I was saved!

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