Breaking the Code

Breaking the Code

Edward was in a full panic.  He had broken the pirate code, and was about to pay the price. A wiry, old pirate named Thompson was more than happy to do the deed.  He grinned, revealing a mouth full of black, rotting teeth, as he fastened an iron shackle to Edward’s leg.

Even though he was only fifteen years old, Edward would not be shown mercy. Besides, he admitted his guilt to the whole crew, so the captain had no choice, but to carry out the punishment.

It all started the night before, when Edward found Little Tom on deck, gazing up at the bright starry sky. Little Tom was Captain Peck’s cabin boy.

“Don’t you get tired of eating rock-hard ship’s biscuit and foul smelling stew?” Edward asked Little Tom. The cabin boy shrugged, “Of course, but what choice do I have?”

It had been three months since Edward’s ship had been captured by the pirates, and he was getting desperate for a mouthful of something tastier.

“Sneak below, and take an egg or two from the Captain’s hens,” Edward whispered, while glancing from side to side to make sure no one was listening.

“I can’t do that. Besides, what if I’m caught?” Little Tom answered.

“Be quiet, and you won’t be caught,” Edward coaxed the boy. “The hens produce plenty of eggs, so the captain won’t miss one or two. You can have half.”

Little Tom’s mouth watered at the thought of a fresh meal.

“You don’t have to do it,” Edward sighed, then continued in a stern voice, “But, someday you will need my help, and I might just look the other way.”

“Oh, all right,” Little Tom said with a huff.  “Just this once.  And, if they catch me, I will tell them you forced me to do it.”

Early the next morning Little Tom met Edward in the dim light of the ship’s hold. The cabin boy reached into his pockets and revealed two eggs.  Taking hold of the eggs Edward felt their warmth in his hand.  Suddenly, the door burst open, and old Thompson rushed in. Before the stunned boys could react, Thompson grabbed hold of Edward’s arm with a vice-like grip.

“What do you have there?” Thompson barked.

Shocked, Edward just gasped with his mouth wide open.

“So, we have a thief among us. Do you know what we do to thieves?” he snarled as he snatched the eggs from Edward’s hand.

Before Edward could utter a word, Thompson shoved him forward, nearly knock him off his feet. Dragging him up on deck, Thompson called for the captain.

When Captain Peck and the ship’s officers were assembled, Thompson explained what he had found.
“I caught this little thief in the ship’s hold with these eggs.”

Edward looked to Little Tom, who was watching from a distance.

“Well, do you have anything to say for yourself?” Captain Peck growled.

Edward was aware that the captain was not a patient man.  Whenever he lost his temper, harsh punishment soon followed. Now terrified beyond words, Edward simply shook his head, no.

In minutes, the whole ship’s company was ordered on deck.  Captain Peck, with his hand resting on the handle of his cutlass, addressed the assembly of pirates.

“We have a thief in our midst.  This boy was caught stealing eggs.” The captain turned toward the crew. “So that everyone on this ship is reminded that thievery will not tolerated, the boy will receive his punishment.  Thompson, do your duty.”

The old pirate marched Edward on the edge of the deck.  He held a heavy cannonball in his hand.  Attached to the cannonball was an iron chain, and on the other end of the chain, was a shackle fastened to Edward’s ankle.

Thompson glanced at the captain, and then hurled the cannonball into the sea. Unable to stop the heavy weight, Edward was yanked off his feet, following the cannonball into the water.  He struggled to keep himself from going down, but is was hopeless.

Sinking deeper and deeper, the sunlight grew faint, and darkness pressed in around him. Edward’s lungs screamed for air. A moment later, the last glimmer of sunlight faded away, and everything turned black.

Edward woke with a violent jerk.  Every muscle in his body tense, and his lungs gasped for air.  The familiar walls of his bedroom told him that he was still alive, and that it had all been a bad dream.

Sitting up in his bed, Edward’s breathing returned to normal.  He wiped beads of sweat from his forehead, and wondered about the horrible nightmare. It didn’t take long for him realized what the dream was all about.  He thought about Kyle, his little brother.

Kyle was an innocent boy who enjoyed attending church regularly with his parents.  He did his best to follow Jesus’ teaching.  Edward, on the other hand, was not so innocent. He pretended to live a good Christian life, while secretly hanging out with a bad crowd.

When Kyle found out, Edward convinced him to lie to his parents about it.

The meaning of the dream became clear.  He was being warned not to lead his little brother astray.  A few lies seemed harmless enough, but it could easily lead to more serious sins, even turning away from God.

Edward decide to heed the warning. Dropping to his knees, he called out to God, “I’m sorry, Lord.  Help me to turn back to you. And don’t let Kyle go down the road that I’ve been on.”

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Read Matthew 18:2-6

Why do you think Jesus gave this warning?

What is his message for us today?