Drake’s Space Voyage VI

Drake’s Space Voyage VI

As the desert raiders searched the spaceship, Drake weighed his options. He could hide himself in some closet or compartment. It was a large ship after all. The desert dwellers couldn’t search every inch. He could slip out into the desert until the raiders left. But then what? They would certainly drag Captain Buff away.…

Drake’s Space Voyage V

Drake’s Space Voyage V

Drake poked his head into the captain’s quarters of the disabled spaceship. After tending to the injured captain, he choked down some food and then ventured outside for another look around. In the distance he noticed a small mountain, about an hour’s walk from the wreckage, or so he thought. Drake reasoned that he might…

Drake’s Space Voyage IV

Drake’s Space Voyage IV

Alarms buzzed in Drake’s ears. At first, he thought he was dreaming, but when he opened his eyes, he realized this was no dream. Many of the monitors on the bridge were flashing urgent messages. Drake had fallen asleep in the captain’s seat. For the last four days that’s where he spent most of his…

Drake’s Space Voyage III

Drake’s Space Voyage III

It took all of Drake’s strength to keep from running back to the engine room and searching for Captain Buff. But he knew he had caused enough trouble. Now he needed to do what he was told, so he stayed on the bridge. As the seconds slowly ticked by the anxious space traveler paced back…

Drake’s Space Voyage II

Drake’s Space Voyage II

Drake awoke to the harsh sound of the screeching engines piercing his eardrums. His eyelids opened to the entire engine room glowing red from the warning lights. The explosion left him with a pounding headache while Noxious smoke burned his lungs. Still dazed and feeling nauseous, he forced himself up to his hands and knees.…

Drake’s Space Voyage I

Drake’s Space Voyage I

It was one of the largest star-ships in the whole star cluster, longer than five football fields laid end to end. Two giant proton engines propelled it through the vast expanse of space. However, anyone familiar with spacecraft knew that the ship was nothing special. It was just an old freighter, a ship that hauled…

Tales of the Prince V – To War

Tales of the Prince V – To War

Riding to the battlefield Prince Sebastian could hardly hide his excitement. For the first time his armor and sword were no longer for practice.  Even though he would not be in the thick of the battle, an ambush could come from any direction. If attacked, he would have to put his fighting skills to the…

The Narrow Road

The Narrow Road

Molly knew she had to make a decision, the most important one of her life. It was time for her to leave the familiar road she had been traveling her whole life. From now on the narrow road was the one she needed to follow now. Jason had told her about the narrow road several…

One Body Many Parts

One Body Many Parts

The robot gripped the rubber ball with its claw, spun around on its wheels, and sped up the ramp. On the upper level of the racecourse, it bounced over a series of speed bumps, which made it difficult for the robot to hold on to the ball. Even though it bounced up and down violently,…

You Too Will be Judged

You Too Will be Judged

This is a continuation of the story Lost as Sea. Eli and Patrick tugged the heavy boat onto the beach. Eli surveyed what might be his new home for a while. “We need to find fresh water. Follow me,” Eli led the others into the forest. He stopped occasionally to look around. It wasn’t long…

Lost at Sea

Lost at Sea

This is a continuation of the post A Rescue Mission. Eli could do nothing. The waves of the fierce sea lifted him up and dropped him down again. Surrounded by darkness, he could see nothing. “Patrick!” He shouted to his friend who had been at his side moments ago, but there was no answer. With…

A Rescue Mission

A Rescue Mission

A Rescue Mission This is a continuation of the post When the Storm Comes Two Weeks Before the Sinking A net filled with wooden barrels swung like a pendulum from the dock to the waiting ship. A man carrying a seabag strolled along the dock. Unaware of the danger he wandered into the path of…

When the Storm Comes

When the Storm Comes

“Reef the topsails!” The captain barked. Young Eli watched as the ship’s crew raced up the ratlines.  High overhead the men spread out over the wooden yards to bring in some of the canvas sails.  After nearly two weeks at sea, Eli was beginning to understand the ways of the sailing ship even though he…

Beware of the Snare

Beware of the Snare

This is a continuation of the story An Angel of Light When Tori’s eyes adjusted to the dim light inside the temple, she noted two flickering oil lamps.  There were no windows, only the door they just entered, and another arched doorway on the opposite side of the room.  The arched doorway was draped with…

An Angel of Light

An Angel of Light

High above the jungle trail a python coiled itself around a tree limb. Its tongue tasted the air as two children passed below. “I told you it would be a perfect morning for a hike to Hidden Falls,” Tori called to her companion. “You were right,” As Aran followed along, he made a game of…