A Modern Day Good Samaritan

Roger ignored the footsteps growing louder and louder behind him, but not the sharp tug on his backpack that nearly knocked him off his feet.

“Hey! Stop!” Roger spun around to find Chad and Ryan hoovering over him.

“We told you that we were coming for you,” Chad spit out with an evil laugh.

Roger stared at the two school bullies, but did not respond. Chad and Ryan were known for harassing and tormenting kids, in and out of school. Until recently, Roger just avoided the thugs, and they returned the favor. But, lately they turned their evil intentions to Roger. It started a week earlier, when Chad made a dull-minded insult about Roger’s t-shirt. Roger had a sharp come-back, but decided it wasn’t worth wasting his energy on the numbskull, so he simply ignored the remarks.

Roger regretted his decision to remain silent. Perhaps, if he had stood up to the pair, they would have backed off, and found someone else to go after. The harassment continued daily, after that first incident, and Roger was warned that they would meet him after school. Now, all Roger wanted was to walk home from school in peace.

Chad gave Roger a hard shove that send him stumbling backward. He came to a sudden stop when his body met the bulk of Ryan who had moved behind him. Roger figured that escape was his best option, so he took off in a sprint for safety, but he ground to a stop by the dead weight of Ryan who had a firm hold of his backpack.

Roger struggled against the troublemakers as they yanked off his backpack. Then came a painful blow to the ribs that caused him to wobble on his feet.

Out of the corner of his eye, Roger caught sight of a crop of blonde hair belonging to Brandon Thomas coming toward him. Brandon was the son of a pastor of a local church. Brandon enjoyed the popularity of being a star athlete, and the praise that came from his classmates. Roger hoped Brandon and his friends would come to his rescue, but the pastor’s son continued on past without uttering a word.

Next, the the two bullies opened Roger’s backpack and started pulling his books out, and tossing them onto the ground.

“Give me that!” Roger protested. He lunged at Ryan who had his cellphone in his hand. But a well-timed punch to the cheek send Roger to the ground, were he landed in a heap. There, he writhed in pain while the thugs scatter his possessions all over the sidewalk and into the street, laughing and having a good time as they did so.

When they finished with the backpack, Roger curled up and covered his head to protect himself from two vicious kicks. Finally, the bullies left their victim lying on the sidewalk, moaned in pain.

Realizing the assault was over, Roger uncovered his head, and looked around. His left eye was already swelling shut from the punch it had absorbed. A figure appeared on the opposite side of the street. It was Kyle, with his short frame and thick glasses. Kyle had been a source of annoyance, because he was quick to quote Bible verses while correcting his schoolmate’s behavior, but now, Roger was glad to see him.

As Roger struggled to sit up, he motioned for Kyle to come and help. A deep disappointment welled up in Roger when Kyle paused, examined the situation, shook his head, and walked on by.

A sharp pain shot through Roger’s ribs when he rolled on his side and tried pushing his battered body off of the sidewalk. That’s when a pair of feet stopped an arm’s length from his head. Next, a gentle hand reached down to tugged Roger’s arm, helping him up to a sitting position.

“Take, take it easy. How, how badly are you hurt?” Roger recognized Jeffery’s voice by his familiar stutter. An outcast, Jeffery was often picked on by his classmates. While Roger had not made fun of Jeffery to his face, he never stood up for him. Instead, he would laugh along with the other kids when they mocked Jeffery by stuttering as they spoke.

Roger tried to thank his helper, but could not get the words out. After wiping a tear from his eye, he could see Jeffery picking up all his belonging and putting them into his backpack.

“L…l…let’s get you home,” Jeffery said. Loaded down with both his own, and Roger’s backpack, Jeffery lifted Roger to his feet. Roger let out a sharp grunt from the pain, but found he was able to stand. Leaning on Jeffery for support, the beaten boy limped his way down the street.

Roger’s mother gasped when she saw the condition of her son as he hobbled through the front door. Roger explained what had happened, and how Jeffery helped him get home. Roger’s mother thanked Jeffery repeatedly, and then added, “You are truly a good Samaritan.”

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Read Luke 10:25-37

Who was neighbor to Roger? Could you do what Jeffery did?

Is being a neighbor easy? Why or why not?

Like in Jesus’ story, Roger was beaten. Do we need to wait until we find someone who has been beaten to be a neighbor?

Who can you be a neighbor to today?