Tales of the Prince V – To War

Riding to the battlefield Prince Sebastian could hardly hide his excitement. For the first time his armor and sword were no longer for practice.  Even though he would not be in the thick of the battle, an ambush could come from any direction. If attacked, he would have to put his fighting skills to the test. All he knew was the that his father’s armies had marched to the north to meet the Trampa invaders. As he passed woodland, field, and village, he kept his place in the formation. The king, mounted on the finest horse, led the way.  Next to him rode his most trusted general. The king’s miliary advisors followed along. Then came the prince along with a squad of royal guards to protect the party.

The horses snorted as they carried their riders up a hill. At the top the riders came to a halt.  On the opposite slope lay a large open field. There his father’s armies were being assembled, which included foot soldiers, archers, and cavalrymen. At the other end of the field the Trampa warriors prepared for war.

The battle preparations were new to Sebastian.  As he sat on his horse, he watched as commanders ordered the warriors to line up, with archers in the front, followed by horsemen and foot soldiers after that. The whole process fascinated the young prince.

When everyone was in place, the general gave the signal. At once the archers drew back their bows and opened fire.  A shower of deadly arrows rained down on the Trampa battle lines. Then the enemy archers sent a volley of arrows into the king’s armies. Next, the cavalry was signaled to attack. The massive line of horsemen raced forth with a war cry that rose over the thundering sound of horse hoofs. They met the enemy lines with a violent clash. Sebastian was shocked by the brutality of the battle. His excitement turned to horror when the foot soldiers marched into the fray.

Prince Sebastian sat tall with confidence as the first waves of soldiers pushed the Trampa armies back on their heels. However, as the battle raged, his father’s armies began to stall. When the soldiers started to retreat, the prince coaxed his horse closer to where his father sat. But he could not get close due to the generals that surrounded the king. Each one suggested tactics to turn the tile of the battle.

“Prepare the cavalry for a charge the right flank,” one general shouted.

“Bring in the reserves,” barked another commander.

Still, the Trampa armies pushed ahead. Before long the enemy arrows were reaching the top of the hill where Sebastian and the others sat.

The situation was becoming desperate, and the king’s soldiers were starting to panic.

In the chaos, Ares called to the prince, “Come with us, hurry!”

Sebastian prodded his horse forward and fell in behind Ares and three other royal guards. As they raced toward home, a squad of ten Trampa knights appeared in front of them.  The knights had circled around the battlefield and was preparing to attack from behind. Three brave guards charged directly at the enemy horsemen. This distraction gave Sebastian and Ares just enough time to escape.  They raced full speed across a meadow, through a shallow creek, and into a dense forest.

By now the sky grew thick with dark clouds that unleashed a cold rain.

Ares brought his horse to a halt, “We lost them.”

“Which way do we go?” the prince asked.

“Keep your voice down,” Ares answered with a harsh whisper. “There could be Trampa patrols nearby.”

Sebastian glanced in all directions. He knew he was miles from home, but had no idea which direction to go.

After a long pause, Ares made up his mind, “This way. We must keep moving.” He turned his horse and led the prince deep into the forest.

Sebastian, now wet and shivering from the steady rain, followed the guard. When nighttime fell, the darkness was like nothing he has ever experienced. He could not more than an arm’s length in front of him. He relied on his horse to stay close to the guardsman. The only comfort came from the fact that Ares and the royal guard would lay down their lives for the king and his family.  The three who charged the Trampa knights had likely perished since they were outnumbered.

His thought turned to his father. The last time he has seen him the enemy army was approaching, and arrows were falling all around.  He didn’t know if the king was dead or alive.

And what would become of his father’s kingdom? Would it fall to the Trampa invaders?

In the thick forest in the black of night Sebastian’s darkest worries haunted him.

To be continued.