The Narrow Road

Molly knew she had to make a decision, the most important one of her life. It was time for her to leave the familiar road she had been traveling her whole life. From now on the narrow road was the one she needed to follow now. Jason had told her about the narrow road several times. Each time she listened politely then dismissed her older brother’s pleas. Now she understood the path she must take, but she didn’t want to travel alone.

Molly had been friends with Serena since they were little girls. She would be the ideal traveling partner on the new road. It would be an adventure that they could share.

“Serena, please join me,” said Molly.

“Why should I take the narrow road?” Serena asked.

“The wide road leads to a wide gate, and a terrible end. The narrow road will take us to a narrow gate. There we will find amazing life.”

“Everyone else is traveling the wide road,” said Serena. “Besides, the people that walk the narrow road are strange.”

“They’re not strange, they just want to know the truth,” Molly countered.

Serena turned to a group of waiting companions.

“Come on Serena. Let’s go,” someone from the group called.

Molly could tell her friend was torn. Serena seemed to be deep in thought. Finally, she gave Molly an answer.

“Maybe some other time.”

“There may not be another time,” Molly pleaded.

“I’m sorry, but I have to go,” Serena ran to join her friends.

With a heavy heart Molly started her journey. A tiny sign marked the way to the narrow path. From there she hiked up a grassy hillside. She soon learned that, unlike the wide valley road, the narrow way would be difficult. She paused to catch her breath before continuing upward.

At the top of the hill a figure with a long robe greeted the her.

“What are you doing on this road Molly?” A large hood covered the man’s head so that she could barely see his face.

“I’m on the path that leads to life,” she replied.

“Why did you leave your friends behind?”

“This is the path I need to take,” Molly insisted.

“But you aren’t worthy to enter the narrow gate. You are a sinner like all the others,” the figure stretched his cloaked arm toward the travelers of the wide road.

Molly paused. The man had a point. “Maybe I’m not worthy,” she said to herself.

“The narrow way is difficult, and it’s not for sinners like you. Follow me. I will show you the way back to the wide road.”

“No!” Molly shouted. “I know who you are. You are the tempter.” With her hands covering her ears, Molly ran from the hooded figure and refused to listen to another lie.

She continued to follow the winding path through the hill country. Molly noticed the wide valley road was rarely out of view. She stopped to watch the people on their journey. She wished Serena had joined her.

One day the sky grew dark, and the wind howled. Molly leaned against the strong gusts just to stay on her feet. Then the clouds opened up, unleashing a torrent of stinging rain. Still, she pressed ahead.  Eventually the clouds parted and again Molly paused. On the warm, dry road below Serena and her friends shook their heads and laughed at the cold, wet girl.

As she stood shivering, she thought about abandoning the narrow road and rejoining her friends.

“No, I must continue,” she told herself.

Some time later the path grew narrow and dangerous. Molly inched along with her back against a shear rock wall. She shuffled along with her toes inches from the edge of the trial that dropped off sharply to the valley far below. She prayed for courage to continue. To her relief the path opened to level ground. But soon she found herself scrambling up a steep, rocky slope. Halfway up her footing gave way and she skidded on her knees.

She stopped to examine her torn, bloody skin. She began to feel sorry for herself and a tear fell from her eye.

“This is too hard,” she cried out. “I can’t continue any longer.” She clutched her knees and wept.

“Let me help you.”

Molly looked up to find Jason standing over her with an outstretched hand. She brushed the tears from her eyes and took Jason’s hand.

“Why don’t we travel together?” Jason offered.

“I would really like that.”

Molly was happy to have a traveling partner. Side by side they continued along the narrow. While the way was difficult at times, Molly felt an inner joy that she never had when traveling the wide road.

One day the trail took Molly and Jason up to the crest of a high ridge. They paused to take in the scenic view. Rays of sunlight streamed through the clouds over countless rolling hills carpeted with grass and wild flowers.

“Look,” Molly pointed to the distant horizon.

“It’s the end of the road,” Jason exclaimed.

“And there’s the narrow gate.” Molly added.

The pair gazed in amazement.

“It sure is beautiful,” a voice spoke from behind.

Molly turned to find a familiar face with bright eyes and a wide smile.

“I’m sure glad I took your advice,” Serena laughed. “The road that leads to the narrow gate is definitely the way to go.”


Read Matthew 7:13-14

What does the wide road symbolize in the story?

What does the narrow road symbolize?

Who do you think the hooded man was?

Molly faced many difficulties on the narrow road. Do those who travel the wide road face problems too?

What is the difference? (Hint: the story speaks of the spiritual challenges)

What is the reward for those who take the road to the narrow gate?